Following their premiere performance during Novamute Night at Barutana in Belgrade on August 24th 2018, after having performed alongside ANNA and Daniel Miller, Nicolas Bougaïeff and Itaru Yasuda deliver 3 individual clips to share the taste of their spectacular show with a larger audience.
Bougaïeff & Yasuda will be appearing next live on March 16th, 2019 at at Room 2 of Fabric London as part of NovaMute Night along Terence Fixmer and label’s boss Daniel Miller.Inspired by numerous science fiction novels, the music explores relentless sonic portraits that alternate between paranoid dystopia and far future posthumanity. The visuals computationally match each sound to pure optical effects. This disciplined approach results in a cohesive audiovisual experience where electronic permutations come together in a brutal assault on the senses.
Videos by Nicolas Bougaïeff & Itaru Yasuda, camera by OscVisual.