Depeche Mode

Daniel Miller announces the second 12” on NovaMute – Terence Fixmer’s ‚Dance of the Comets‘ (November 2017)
Terence Fixmer aims squarely at the dance floor with his new record for NovaMute. Following the recent relaunch of NovaMute with a record from producer Nicolas Bougaïeff, a new 12″ from Terence Fixmer has now been announced, entitled ‚Dance of the Comets‘ (listen on Soundcloud). Continue reading

Daniel Miller talkes to James Ting at Funkhaus Berlin (November 2016):
Besides sharing some production secrets in the early days, Daniel also talked about the rules in studio, the use of analog synthesizers and the experimentation of sampling technology with Depeche Mode and many more…. Continue reading

Daniel Miller: Cuepoint interview (September 2016)
Daniel talks to Yael Chiara in Cuepoint about discovering Depeche Mode, loyalty and much more: Continue reading

Vince Clarke & Daniel Miller at Bi Nuu, Berlin, January 18, 2014
Vince Clarke (Erasure, VCMG, Yazoo & Depeche Mode) and Daniel Miller dj at Berlin’s Bi Nuu: Continue reading

Daniel Miller contemplates the Depeche Mode catalogue (March 2013)
In his own words, Daniel Miller contemplates all 13 DM albums, offering key insights and anecdotes along the way. Continue reading