Noviton announces the first of a series of NovaMute Nights for Berlin, Belgrade, Barcelona, Hamburg and London, featuring Anna, Daniel Miller, Luke Slater, Nicolas Bougaïeff, Speedy J, Terence Fixmer and more.
These are the first NovaMute nights since the label was reactivated in 2017 with an EP from Bougaïeff, Cognitive Resonance. 12”s from Charlotte de Witte and Terence Fixmer have since been released on the seminal British imprint, a subsidiary of Mute, with future releases to be announced.
Upcoming NovaMute Nights:
August 24th, 2018: Belgrade at Barutana
June 16th, 2018: Barcelona, Off-Sonar at Moog
May 5th, 2018: London at Egg LDN
April 21st, 2018: Berlin at Berghain
April 20st, 2018: Hamburg at PAL