Laurent Garnier: “Electrochoc” book in english, April 2015:

Laurent’s “Electrochoc” book is finally available also in english. Order via
Released in 2003, Electrochoc is a journey through electronic music history via Laurent Garnier’s career, starting in 1987 with Laurent behind the decks for the first time as “DJ Pedro” at the famous Haçienda in Manchester and continuing up until the present-day Laurent Garnier, a name which has come to be synonymous with passion – be it for his quality radio shows, various releases, or countless DJ sets played all over the world.
To commemorate this 10th anniversary of the first release of Electrochoc, Laurent and David-Brun-Lambert have written a bonus new chapter. In it, Laurent Garnier discusses the profound changes he has witnessed in electronic music over the past decade – from MP3s, Berlin, Dubstep, “EDM” to social networks.
Dedicated followers of Laurent Garnier also won’t be surprised to learn that it was unthinkable for Laurent to write a book about music without simultaneously providing a way for his readers to listen to this music. Thus, this is what this website is for : a musical companion to your reading of Electrochoc!

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